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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

Resolution: the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.  We all have them.  Some stick to it, others are quick to push aside an all too impossible resolution.  MY resolution is to have achievable resolutions.  Funny? Eh, maybe.. But here’s hoping.  My main generic resolution—similar to many others I’ve heard people talking about, is to eat healthier and be more active.  My achievable and interesting resolution has been inspired by a girl I attended high school with, Cari Polzin whom did a similar project in 2010.  I am planning to blog 365 days of pictures as seen through my eyes.  It does several things for me.  This challenge allows me to begin to blog more.  I have so much that I want to say but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the process itself.  I plan to keep this simple.  Just a picture and a few sentences explaining it.  I get the chance to share pictures with my followers of things that go on in my everyday life, which is exciting.  I get to ease back into blogging.  It’s basically a win win situation.  A possible chance for the first time in my life to stick with a new years resolution.  : )  So, on to today’s picture.


Like most, with the turn of a new year comes an attempt at healthier daily cooking. So, that being said, today's picture is a photo of what we had for dinner. Apple cider marinated chicken breast, baked eggplant slices and mashed potatoes.



Until next time,


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